Annual General Meeting

This year’s Club AGM will be held on the 25th June at The Laura Trott Leisure Centre between 4.15pm and 6pm.

We would like to encourage as many parents as possible to attend as ultimately this is your club and we would like you to have a say in how it’s run.

We are always looking for people to help out so if you think you can help, even in the smallest way with the running of the club, please speak to any member of the committee or the coaching team.

We hope to see you there.


Chairman – Mark Nelson
Vice Chairman – Vacant
Secretary – Suzanne Bailey
Treasurer – Karen Armitage
Welfare Officer – Evelyn Pope
Club Champs Co-ordinator – Claire Pawson
ASA Registration Officer – Sophie Lush
Fixtures Secretary – Vacant
Head Coach – Paul Wollaston
Social/Fundraising Secretary – Sam Evans
Tadpole Coordinator – Ryan James


Officials Coordinator – Ann-Marie Keenan
Membership Secretary – Jackie Coe
Vice Treasurer – Jenny Griffin
Junior Squad Rep – Vacant
Sharks Squad Rep – Vacant
Dolphins Squad Rep – Vacant

Nomination of Committee Members need to be with Suzanne Bailey by the 18th June 2017.

Click HERE for the nomination form.

As a club we do rely on the goodwill and help of parents. We extend huge thanks to those that are stepping down from their roles and we welcome a new Treasurer and Vice Treasurer, Debbie Willett and Nicola Goldsmith We are also grateful to Jenny Treglohan for becoming our Fixtures Secretary. The new committee members will formally be voted onto the Committee at the AGM. There are a lot of things that need to be done behind the scenes and the more parents who are willing to help then the better it will be for the swimmers.

We are particularly looking for a parent to join the committee as a our Club Champs Co-Ordinator and as our ASA Registration Officer which are becoming vacant. Please speak to a committee member or email Suzanne at if you think you could commit to either of these roles.


Annual General Meeting

25th June 2017 4.15pm-6pm

The Laura Trott Leisure Centre, Cheshunt

1. Minutes of Previous AGM
2. Matters arising from Previous AGM meeting
3. Hon Secretary’s Report
4. Hon Treasurer’s Report
5. Election of Officers
6. Head Coach’s Report
7. Any Other Business
8. Date of Next Meeting