Posted By : Cheshunt SC On 2016-05-14 17:59:00

Nominations for six members of the Management Board, and for the posts of Chairman, Disability Manager, Synchronised Swimming Manager, Water Polo Manager and Welfare Officer must be submitted by 31st May 2016.

Elections will take place on 6th July 2016 at the Annual Council Meeting.

Members of the Management Board must be ASA members of any club in the county, but no particular skill or knowledge is required, only a desire to contribute impartially to the decision-making in the county for the benefit of our athletes in all the aquatic disciplines.

There are only four meetings per year at the moment, plus the Annual Council Meeting. The requirement of members is attendance at those meetings, having read the paperwork circulated prior to the meeting. Items are discussed and decisions made, as well as monitoring the work of the discipline committees. The meetings are held on a weekday evening, at Welwyn at 8pm and last, at maximum, for two hours, as the room hire is until 10pm.

There is no requirement for additional time or input, only if an individual wishes to expand their commitment.

Can you help?
More information is available on the Herts ASA Website HERE.